everywhere i go i smell durians =S they're smelly to me!
so if you gonna eat durians or you've eaten durians,please dont talk to me!
i dont wanna faint (:
i'm ANTI-DURIAN!thats for sure.
i dont advise ppl to consume yucky-durians,
bcos they're HEATY,and its definitely NOT GOOD for ppl with HIGH CHOLESTEROL and DIABETES!
so,best thing is-STAY AWAY FROM THEM (:

i had the spinning spells acting on my head again.
DAMN! i dont wanna fall sick.
and my left hamstring hurts alot now,all thanks to kenneth's bicycle which is so HIGH!
i can barely reach the ground,thus i have to use the tip of my left toes to gain support.
that resulted the aching of my poor hamstring ):
i almost fell 235867659 times,but luckily i'm trained to have good balancing,
which prevented me from the uncountable accidents.
and i almost bang into many passers-by,cos i have a hard time trying to stop!
worst,i didn't noticed you have a bell until the time when we're heading home.
my life is at risk during the 20 minutes cycling!
i survived through =)
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