Sunday, August 3, 2008

4 prawns died in my hands!!

i had my first prawning session with steve and a friend of his on monday.
i always thought prawning/fishing is a boring thing to do,but NO!
its fun!
really,especially when you'd the prey on the hook!!
so exciting! :D

it was a long walk there tho,from angmohkio mrt all the way to the prawning farm.
hell tiring!
i snapped this NATURAL BEAUTY SUN SET while on the way walking.
the kampong looking place.

this is what the prawns feed on.
i dont know what meat is it,its so smelly!!!
i dont know why and how the prawns manage to enjoy it.
hahaha,prawns will end up in our net after attempting to eat that smelly stinky meat (:

so happpppppy! (:

thanks steve for bring me there!!

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