First thing first,I wanna rant and vent all my anger out cos the bloody bitch pick on me again today!! She's really one of a kind!!
I wanna dig her eyes out,tear her mouth apart,punch her nose crooked and make her even uglier!!! Grrrrr!! Me is super pissed!
It's really no surprise that woman like her at her age is still single and of cos un-married.
Comes to the gym EVERYDAY without fail after work,because no men wants to date her out for dinner or movie dates. Thus she always buy fruits for dinner and ask whoever is on duty to 'look after' her fruits.We are not security guards for your information.And your fruits ain't make of gold please!
And that's her life! WORK and GYM!
Sometimes,I really really pity her man!!! So no life!!
But,you can blame no one la,cos you're really sickening and disgusting!
She tries to seduce every single man in the gym,but sadly NO ONE get seduced by you!!
Sad sad sad!! Try harder la uh pathetic old woman!!
Secondly,Yiling passed her Choking Test!! =)))

Thirdly,Yiling is on medication now ): I hate doctors and I hate eating medicine.
I've waited in the clinic for 30 mins before going in to see the doctor.
I went in for less than 2 mins and have to wait again for the doctor to prescribe medicine to me =/
3 different types of capsules/tablets for me!!
Hates to swallow cos they'll always get stuck in my throat halfway down my gullet.
2 out of the 3 makes me drowsy.
I am always sleepy plus the
double dose of drowsiness equals to
triple drowsy!!!
Sigh Sigh Sigh,just hope that everything gets better for me after consuming all the greenish
yellowish reddish orangish capsules and
white tablets!!

Fourthly,I am bringing my
dearest loveliest little boyfriend out for movie-
Sing to the Dawn =)
I can't wait to see him!!!
He'd been ringing me everyday and remind me of the Saturday date,and I bet he missed me too!!
I love you dominic!

Fifthly,Waraku for dinner with dearest lynettetandamnflabby (:
The food is nice but the service is bad!!

Many many many many different choice of food!

I like the glass,because it's so slim!
The lime juice NOT NICE!!! It's freaking sour,and I thought lime juice is always yellow.
They serve white colour lime juice.Weird!

Other than the lime juice,food was heavenly delicious!!

Slurps slurps slurps!! Yummy yummy yummy!!
31st October 2008!!

Tanjunjie's Birthday!
HAPPY 23RD BIRTHDAY =))))Poor birthday boy still have to work.

That's a very loving picture of husband and wife =)

Poor Marcus gotta take picture with the plant cos Tessa and Putu don't want to take picture with him!! LONER!

Me and Tanjunjie (:

Hope you have a blessed and wonderful birthday (:
30th October 2008
Me,being the cake cutter again and again.

Obviously,they played with cake.
That's super fit Jerevin and super fast Ali (:

This is super pervert Swan!
She loves molesting my ass.

Sherman Jerevin Swan.

I love my classmates many many many many!

much loves.
Not forgetting,
I hope to see you soon (:
Eighthly,I am looking forward to
11th October.I had a date with Stef (:
Ninthly,I am looking forward to
13th October too.
Marks the end of A level exams for dearest flabby tan (:
I hope my smarties take effect!!
And we'll have hell lotsa fun!!
Tenthly,which is the last.
I am looking forward to shopping suntanning swimming basketballing with jessica and my classmates!!